mylab+@Jogja - Session ONE: Panel

An A-List Overview of a Rapidly Growing Indonesian Film Industry Today

Indonesia is the fourth largest population globally and one of the most exciting film markets in the world. The recent announcement by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, & Technology Indonesia to launch a matching grant has accelerated the interest in Indonesia. Many are inspired by the success of films like The Raid, Marlina The Murderer In Four Acts, Yuni, Before, Now & Then, Satan Slaves, Stealing Raden Saleh, Autobiography & more. The panelists will be given the platform to bring their perspectives on the overview of Indonesian cinema from the people who are on top of their game in Indonesia now.

Alex Sihar

Angga Dwimas Sasangko

Ifa Isfansyah

Meiske Taurisia

Lorna Tee