mylab 2022 - Session ONE: Lecture

Alemberg Ang

The Dossier by Alemberg Ang

What is Dossier? What do we need it for? What is in a dossier? In this session, producer Alemberg Ang will be giving us an overview of the ever necessary document, the dossier, used for presentation and application to funds, project markets, festivals, investors, and more and is the basis for the press kit for the films at a later stage.

Bianca Balbuena

Film Financing in South East Asia by Bianca Balbuena

Film Financing in South East Asia. What are the funds, what is equity, how to manage waterfall and recoupment and cash flow, and case studies of financing genre and arthouse films.

Francoise von Roy

Writing Cinema by Francoise von Roy

Cinema can do more than tell stories. Too often it is forgotten that the power of cinema lies in its use of images and sound (and sometimes their absence!), as well as duration. The combination of these three make cinema something that can be experienced, not just understood.

Writing screenplays can be challenging, because we have to use words to convey something that will eventually be images and sound and be experienced over time. At the same time exploring and discovering what it is that you are wanting to communicate with your film is a vital part of development. Writing and rewriting can be part of this process and finding approaches to this that work for you, will allow you to become more clear about what and how you want your film to communicate.