Korean Film Council (KOFIC)

The Korean Film Council (KOFIC) is a public institution established to improve the quality of Korean films and promote them and the film industry, a role entrusted by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, the ROK government.

Over the years, K-Movie became one of the representative public art genres of Korea. And now, audiences from all over the world are enthusiastic about Asian and Korean films. KOFIC takes the role of a ‘Pathfinder’ for K-Movie by performing projects like various planning, development, and production support schemes which can strengthen capabilities to create films and establish the foundation for growing together with Asian films to lead the world market. In the future, KOFIC will continue to make progress toward boastful K-Movies in the world that our people love.

For more information, please refer to http://www.koreanfilm.or.kr/eng/main/main.jsp